Happy Nt’l Senior Citizens Day! – August 21, 2015

diverse seniors

While many families are getting their children in Back To School mode at this time of year, our nation also has an opportunity to bless our Senior Citizens. In 1988, President Ronald Reagan by Proclamation 5847 called upon Americans to acknowledge August 21st each year as National Senior Citizens Day.  “For all they have achieved and contributed to community and Country” – President Reagan encouraged us to find ways to celebrate our nation’s Senior Citizens. From festivities and ceremonies to one-on-one, neighbor reaching neighbor, we can Celebrate and Honor our Senior Citizens.

Sociaseniors at computerl Media allows us to expand our reach and touch a heart whether near or far.

To make a tribute and honor a Senior Citizen who has and is impacting your life and community,  feel free to make a comment. It will be reviewed and then posted.

Let’s encourage one another to make a difference in a Senior’s life. Let’s show honor and compassion at a time when they may need it most. Do you have suggestions on ways we can honor seniors in our every day life?  Please make a suggestion or comment and it will be reviewed for posting.senior hands

Honor The Memory and Live More Fully

country road 1Honor The Memory and Live More Fully

Susie Wolf, M.S. in Aging Services

March 26, 2015

We’ll never forget our loved ones and as each day passes, we reflect on moments captured in our minds and hearts. Memorial dates are milestones for us, too. We think about how life has changed as another year has gone by. What remains constant and what has progressed in our own lives? It’s a time to think about our loved one who has gone before us. What made that relationship special or challenging? What brought about both the tears and the laughter? It’s good to recall but not so our hearts will mourn yet again. Rather we’re to find the peace in the memories and the hope for the future. We’re advancing each day in the course of our own lives. How has that loved one’s passing prompted us to move forward? Are there areas where we’re still stuck on or in the past, refusing to let go for fear of the emptiness? It’s only in the release that there truly is peace and freedom to move forward. We must embrace today for all it holds and hope for tomorrow. Though some dreams may seemingly have died or been buried, there is still a resurrection to come. What God breathes life into will spring forth if we will allow Him to take the pain, the disappointment, the – “what cannot be again” areas. HE is the resurrection and the life and there is more – so much more to come. Yes, yesterday is done and the loved one’s life on earth came to an end. The loneliness, the space in one’s heart that only that person could fill must be poured out to the only ONE who can replace it with His love. Dream again; take what’s learned from that past relationship and let it bring out the good in you to bless someone else. You and I are still here and therefore there’s purpose and meaning for life. Today is a gift not meant to be filled with yesterday’s sorrow. Cry if it flows and pour your heart before the Lord. He holds those tears near – not one falls to the ground. He feels the pain and comforts the broken-hearted. He’s the healer of hearts; restorer of dreams; redeemer of time and a friend who is closer than a brother.

So on this memorial day for my loved one, I choose to hope, to dream, to share and to embrace the fullness of the life I’ve been given. I thank God for the memories of the past and allow the love in my heart for the one who’s gone, to compel me to reach out and love others. Before he passed, I was encouraged to move forward; seek and find that which brings fulfillment.  So while it is called today, I will honor the memory by living the life I’m blessed to have.  And for that I say, “thank you to my big brother” – I love you always!  Susie

We all experience loss in life and need to know we’re not alone.  In the midst of the healing, it’s helpful to open our hearts and reach out to someone. Feel free to contact us at info@seniorityservicesinc.org or 1-855-777-1879.

My Mom

Flora Wolf (mom) 001I’m a Survivor! This is my mom who passed over 30 years ago from an aggressive form of breast cancer. Several years after her death, my father was diagnosed with a recurring form of bladder cancer. His journey lasted 16 years. A year and 1/2 ago, my only brother passed of a very aggressive form of liver cancer. I’ve survived the experiences and appreciate each moment I’ve had with my family. In the midst of the hardest, most challenging physical circumstances, the relationships grew closer and deeper.

God’s grace DOES see you through. I have experienced the peace that passes understanding and the assurance that only God can give. He is in control; is sovereign and cares for our loved ones more than we can ever know. AND HE cares for you and me in the midst of the caregiving journey. 

We’re going to share caregiving tips and strategies to bring encouragement in the midst of the journey. Your suggestions are welcomed!



Honoring Aunt Helen

Aunt Helen
Aunt Helen

Aunt Helen is an inspiration to me. Completing her MEd degree at 50, she taught music in San Antonio Public Schools and directed Church Choirs for 6 decades. She is the first Lifetime Member of the UTSA Alumni Association. The widow of my Uncle Sol, she exudes enthusiasm and a positive outlook. Wise in many ways, she is sharp, astute and is really an advocate for other Senior Adult friends. Visiting with her yesterday, I was encouraged and motivated to share her with you. She is a pianist and vocalist who  has penned many songs through the years. Aunt Helen is active and her favorite hobby these days is cooking. She studies healthful recipes and prepares a nutritious meal daily. Regardless of age, may I encourage you, you have something to contribute and experiences from which others can glean. Aunt Helen is a role model to me in many ways. I love her dearly and am thankful for her!